how-to/where-to: build an elsewhere
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elizabeth (home)
Before this year, I didn't know how to build a boat. Pretty much every step of the way was aided by some very helpful people who generously shared there experience, know-how, confidence, and enthusiasm either in person or through the incredible resources provided by the Internet. Below you'll find a brief list of some the crucial links that made this project possible. Perhaps you will find them useful too.
the boat

Portuguese Style Dinghy ("as simple as it can get")
Duckworks Boat Builders Supply
EarthSource Forest Products
the hardware

Arduino Wave Shield
Memsic 2125 Dual-Axis Accelerometer
8 ohm 6W audio speakers
8W mono power amplifier
the software
the code: "elsewhere_accelerometer_audio (Version 1.8)"
ladyada.net: wave shield tutorials
arduino tutorials: memsic 2125